卫兰的全部歌曲(求卫兰所有歌曲歌名) - 长篇鬼故事 - 鬼故事网(guigushi.cc)

长篇鬼故事 - 卫兰的全部歌曲(求卫兰所有歌曲歌名)

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  • 卫兰的所有英文歌
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  • 卫兰唱过的所有歌
  • 卫兰的所有英语歌跟歌词


  4月13日:《Day & Night》(粤/英)
  5月26日:《Day & Night》(大哥 特别版CD+AVCD,粤/英
  《Day & Night》为香港女歌手卫兰的首张个人大碟,於2005年4月13日推出。
  《Day & Night》全碟由侧田和雷颂德作唱片监制,碟内共收录了12首歌曲,全部均是翻唱名歌手黎明的经典歌曲,卫兰凭其优美的西化声线,及上佳的歌唱技巧令此碟大卖,并於同年五月再推出第二版,卫兰亦因此而一炮而红。 大碟歌曲包括:
  01. In Love Again(我这样爱你)
  02. 情深说话未曾讲
  03. 不可一世
  04. 一夜倾情
  05. Chocolate Ice(听身体唱歌)
  06. Sugar In The Marmalade
  07. 夏日倾情
  08. My Eyes Don’t Lie(大纲与细节)
  09. 2004(两个人的烟火)
  10. Love Me Accapella(你很爱我)
  11. Superman(双雄)
  12. Long Distance(情深说话未曾讲)
  13. 不可一世
  第二版的推出日期为2005年5月26日,除了换上新封面外,亦加插了两首歌曲,分别为:《不可一世 (X’mas Version)》及《大哥》,其中《大哥》一曲於香港成为高流行度及高播放率的流行曲。
  11月25日:《My Love》(粤/国/英)
  01. 十个他不如你一个
  02. 一场误会
  03. 今夜你不会来(广东版)
  04. 口花花
  05. Goodbye
  06. 心乱如麻
  07. My Love My Fate
  08. 大哥
  09. 我想爱就爱 (’IDA’ TVC Song)
  10. Never Let You Go(’大哥’ 英文版)
  11. My Love (Interlude)
  12. 今夜你不会来(国语版)
  11月21日:《DO U KNOW...》(粤/英)
  01. Interlude
  02. 离家出走
  03. 爱你还爱你
  04. 霎眼娇(香港电台 《过渡青春》 电视剧主题曲)
  05. 越帮越忙
  06. 爱才
  07. 深爱
  08. 拍错拖
  09. Do you know where you’re going to
  10. 等
  11. 这正是我
  12. 离家出走 (Piano Version)
  13. The Christmas Tunes
  11月27日:《Serving You》(粤/英)
  01. 就算世界无童话
  02. My Cookie Can
  03. 阴天假期
  04. 杂技
  05. 你知道我在等你们分手吗?
  06. 如水
  07. 爱深过做人
  08. 我爱呼吸
  09. 比我想像中爱你
  10. 寒命
  11. 退
  12. 主角爱我
  13. Reality
  14. 无所谓
  《帮帮我吧》 - 群星
  《24》 - 应昌佑 Featuring 卫兰
  《音乐力量》(国际唱片业协会给音乐生命」主题曲) - 群星
  《I’ll Never Fall in Love Again》 - 黎明、卫兰、卫诗、应昌佑、杜汶泽、王歌慧合唱
  《合气道》 - 杜汶泽 Featuring 卫兰
  《巨星金曲串》(狮子山下) - 群星
  《我为何让你走》 - 黎明、卫兰合唱
  《童梦》 - 光良、卫兰合唱
  《一个人走》(童梦国语版)- 光良、卫兰合唱
  《快乐地图Let’s go!》(太阳计划2007主题曲) - 张敬轩、曹格、卫兰合唱
  《We’Are Ready》(2008年北京奥运会倒数一周年主题曲) - 中港台群星
  《情歌》(DJ Tommy)





第一张专辑《Day & Night》曲目列表:   01 In Love Again (我这样爱你)   02 情深说话未曾讲   03 不可一世   04 一夜倾情   05 Chocolate Ice (听身体唱歌)   06 Sugar In the Marmalade   07 夏日倾情   08 My Eyes Don’t Lie (大纲与细节)   09 2004 (两个人烟火)   10 Love Me Accapella (你得爱我)   11 Superman (双雄)   12 Long Distance (情深说话未曾讲)   13 不可一世 (X’mas Version) 第二张专辑《My Love》 曲目列表:   01 十个他不如你一个   02 一场误会   03 今夜你不会来 (广东版)   04 口花花   05 Goodbye   06 心乱如麻   07 My Love My Fate   08 大哥   09 我想爱就爱   10 Never Let You Go(大哥英文版)   11 My Love (Interlude)   12 今夜你不会来 (国语版) 第三张专辑《Do U Know》 曲目列表:   01 Interlude   02 离家出走   03 爱你还爱你   04 霎眼娇 (香港电台 《过渡青春》 电视剧主题曲)   05 越帮越忙   06 爱才   07 深爱   08 拍错拖   09 Do you know where you’re going to   10 等   11 这正是我   12 离家出走 (Piano Version)   13 The Christmas Tunes 第四张专辑《Serving You》 曲目列表:   01. 就算世界无童话   02. My Cookie Can   03. 阴天假期   04. 杂技   05. 你知道我在等你们分手吗   06. 如水   07. 爱深过做人   08. 我爱呼吸   09. 比我想像中爱你   10. 寒命   11. 退   12. 主角爱你   13. Reality   14. 无所谓 第五张专辑《Morning》曲目列表:   01.Morning   02.Please   03.Speechless   04.Rainbows   05.Make My Day   06.999   07.Remember   08TV   09.Pretty   10.Every Morning 第六张专辑《Wish (新曲+精选)》 曲目列表:   CD 1   01. Wish (New Song)   02. 心有不甘 (New Song)   03. 深爱   04. 夏日倾情   05. 一场误会   06. 爱才   07. 爱你还爱你   08. 今夜你不会来   09. 越帮越忙   10. My Cookie Can   11. 口花花   12. 无所谓   13. 主角爱我   14. 我爱呼吸   15. 霎眼娇   16. 拍错拖   CD 2   01. 残酷游戏 (New Song)   02. 你的眼神 (New Song)   03. 离家出走   04. 大哥   05. 心乱如麻   06. 就算世界无童话   07. My Love My Fate   08. 情深说话未曾讲   09. 阴天假期   10. 杂技   11. 爱深过做人   12. 寒命   13. 你知道我在等你分手吗   14. 如水   15. 十个他不如你一个   16. 不可一世   DVD   01. Wish   02. Rainbows   03. Please   04. Pretty   05. 离家出走   06. 心乱如麻   07. 爱才   08. 爱你还爱你   09. 越帮越忙   10. My Love My Fate   11. 十个他不如你一个   12. 一场误会   13. 今夜你不会来   14. 无所谓   15. 大哥   16. 杂技   17. 24 第七张专辑《Love Daries》 1. 你的女人   2. 爱在天地动摇时   3. 2012   4. 积雪   5. 温差   6. 唯爱人间   7. 男人信什麽 (Duet with JW)   8. Make It Real   9. 为你钟情 (Duet with 李治廷)   10. Never Know (Duet with 李治廷)   11. 越夜越有机


卫兰热门歌曲:卫兰 - Morning【有间音乐】.wav、卫兰 - My Cookie Can【有间音乐】.wav、卫兰 - 爱你还爱你【有间音乐】.wav、卫兰 - 残酷游戏【有间音乐】.wav、卫兰 - 大哥【有间音乐】.wav    


卫兰唱过的歌曲1.In Love Again (我这样爱你)
5.Chocolate Ice (听身体唱歌)
6.Sugar In the Marmalade
8.My Eyes Don’t Lie (大纲与细节)
9.2004 (两个人烟火)
10.Love Me Accapella (你得爱我)
11.Superman (双雄)
12.Long Distance (情深说话未曾讲)
13.不可一世 (X’mas Version)
16.今夜你不会来 (广东版)
20.My Love My Fate
22.我想爱就爱 (’IDA’ TVC Song)
23.Never Let You Go (’大哥’ 英文版)
24.My Love (Interlude)
25.今夜你不会来 (国语版)
29.霎眼娇 (香港电台《过渡青春》电视剧主题曲)
34.Do you know where you’re going to
37.离家出走 (Piano Version)
38.The Christmas Tunes


.1。卫兰 - My Cookie Can 作词:林夕 作曲:雷颂德 专辑:Serving You 讲一声冻冻 你会和我抱拥 哗一声痛痛 你会张开我的笑容 you give me security 手信要 永远藏在铁罐中 天天都碰碰 就似古董那么贵重 you give me security 你 叫一切变美 有关你每秒也要收起 糖份满爆也不理 (挤挤逼逼我更欢喜) 收获 但愿会变定期 手里心里都要怀着你 我要 储起你 my cookie can hey you say you love me till the end my cookie can hey you’re the only one i’d called my man my cookie can hey you say you love me till the end my cookie can you’re my man 讲一声冻冻 你会和我抱拥 哗一声痛痛 你会张开我的笑容 you give me security 这铁罐 我已无法放松 天天都碰碰 我比千万万翁更红 you give me security 你 叫一切变美 有关你每秒也要收起 糖份满爆也不理 (挤挤逼逼我更欢喜) 收获 但愿会变定期 手里心里都要怀着你 我要 储起你 my cookie can hey you say you love me till the end my cookie can hey you’re the only one i’d called my man my cookie can hey you say you love me till the end my cookie can you’re my man my cookie can hey you say you love me till the end my cookie can hey you’re the only one i’d called my man my cookie can hey you say you love me till the end my cookie can you’re my man 2。Janice(卫兰) - Morning 作曲:雷颂德 填词:Aarif 编曲:雷颂德 监制:雷颂德 When I hear the bird start singing I wanna see you Hoo,hoo,do do do do do... When I see the leaves start fallin’ I wanna see you The only thong I’ll do Don’t you know Is to rush and run to you When I hear the clock start tiching I start to miss you Ooh...The only thing I’ll do Is gonna drearn of you Wanna stay by by by you side You are my everything You are my only link To the angel’s wings Talk about love love and I can’t stop thinking of you Such a crazy thing Like snow fallin’ in spring (You know every morning) When I hear the bird start singing I wanna see you Ooh...the only thing I’ll do Is to rush and run to you When I hear the clock start tiching I start to miss you Ooh...The only thing I’ll do Is start to dream of you I found my angel in my life I cannot see why I cannot see why We can’t be in love till we die Wanna stay by by by you side You are my everything You are my only link To the angel’s wings Talk about love love and I can’t stop thinking of you Such a crazy thing Like snow fallin’ in spring One day we’ll spread our wings You and me da,you and me da... Spread our wings do...do...do... Wannabe wannabe wanna I wanna be.be your lover I’ll run to you...ooh... 3。Janice - please 作曲:雷颂德 填词:Aarif 编曲:雷颂德 监制:雷颂德 One morning I woke up I felt as if I suddenly just couldn’t see Little girl inside of me. So I pretend to smile again it’s not that easy everytime I see myself I just can’t breathe On a rainy day you walk along my side and brushed the raindrops from my eyes and then you asked me if I’d be alright Never thought I’d ever feel the sunlight shining through my wintery sky Hold me tight baby hold me tight, won’t you dim the lights. LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa I want to sing my love songs to you Let me hold you LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa I can’t stop thinking about you Please baby please tell me that you love me I don’t wanna cry no more but am I brave enough? To Face the pain and fear he left behind from me I’ve been deeply hurt before with all the wounds he gave me It’s killing me only if you see Loving you the sound of burning cigarettes Falling ashes on my lonely bed I told you I can’t live without you Let me love you I won’t regret For all the times we’ve been through Please baby please tell me that you love me LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa I want to sing my love songs to you All my lonely night LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLa I can’t stop thinking about you Please baby please tell me that you love me Never thought that it would hurt me so deep 4。Janice(卫兰) - Pretty 作曲:雷颂德 填词:Aarif 编曲:雷颂德 监制:雷颂德 I tried to fly away I tried to find a place Followed a shooting star We fired up the car And travelled to star Everyday We shared a “Sianese dream“ Beside the schoolyard stairs The songs we used to love No longer good enough To keep you from burning up Please take me back in time with you To a time when you were trun Visit all seven wonders There won’t be another To keep me satisfied If I can fall back into you There is nothing I can’t do If I’m under the weather We talk, I feel better At least I knew I had Someone who cared Somebody baby I tried to stay away I tried to give you space I could’t help myself I only wanted to help You pushed my arms away Then one day You walked another way A place I couldn’t stay My compass fell apart I don’t know where to star To keep this from tearing up Please take me back in time with you To a time when you were trun Visit all seven wonders There won’t be another To keep me satisfied If I can fall back into you There is nothing I can’t do If I’m under the weather We talk, I feel better At least I knew I had Someone who cared Somebaby baby 5。Do you know where you’re going to 作曲:Gerry Goffin 作词:Michael Masser 编曲监制:雷颂德 演唱:Janice(卫兰) Janice(卫兰)-Do you know where you’re going to Do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know? Do you get What you’re hoping for? When you look behind you there’s no open door What are you hoping for? Do you know? Once we were standing still in time Chasing the fantasies That filled our minds You knew how I loved you But my spirit was free Laughing’ at the questions That you once asked of me Do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know? Janice(卫兰)-Do you know where you’re going to Now looking back at all we’ve planned We let so many dreams Just slip through our hands Why must we wait so long Before we’ll see How sad the answers To those questions can be Do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you Where are you going to? Do you know? Do you get What you’re hoping for? When you look behind you there’s no open door What are you hoping for? Do you know? . . 追问: 还有地呢 回答: 还有多的 这装不下了的

本文标题:卫兰的全部歌曲(求卫兰所有歌曲歌名) - 长篇鬼故事

