【mtasa】每日新闻播报(February 18) - 长篇鬼故事 - 鬼故事网(guigushi.cc)

长篇鬼故事 - 【mtasa】每日新闻播报(February 18)

2023-04-25 21:41:43 阅读 :

recording artist Jennifer Hudson performs a tribute to Kobe Bryant and gianna Bryant before the 2020 NBA all star game at United cc[photo/agencies]

Kobe Bryant MVP奖


the national basketball association(NBA)all-star game MVP award has been permanently named as the Kobe Bryant MVP award,League commmand

Bryant, an 18-time All-Star who won a record-tying four All-Star Game MVP awards, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others were killed in a helicopter crash near Los Angeles on Jan 26. He was 41. 科比曾18次入选全明星赛,并且获得4次全明星MVP奖项,这一成绩与NBA史上最高纪录持平。1月26日,41岁的科比和他13岁的女儿吉安娜以及其他7人乘坐的直升机在洛杉矶市附近坠毁,机上人员全部遇难。

Bryant has accomplished a great deal in his 20-year career with the Lakers and there is no denying that he has made a significant impact in NBA history.


He entered the NBA directly out of high school in 1996 and led the Los Angeles Lakers to win five NBA championships.


He officially retired after the season in 2016. 他于2016年赛季后正式退役。

Britain's Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, his wife Princess Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, Prince George and Princess Charlotte walk at the airfield in Hamburg Finkenwerder, Germany, July 21, 2017. [Photo/Agencies]

>Kate has 'mom guilt'


Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, conducted in the interview on a podcast all about motherhood, and it turns out the British royal can relate to moms all over the world. 剑桥公爵夫人凯特·米德尔顿近日接受了一个有关女性育儿的播客节目的采访,结果显示这位英国王室成员也与世界各地的妈妈有着相同的烦恼。

Speaking with host of the "Happy Mum Happy Baby" podcast, Giovanna Fletcher, Kate confessed that she, too, feels at fault when royal duties come in the way of raising her and Prince William's three children. 凯特在接受"快乐妈妈,快乐宝宝"节目主持人乔凡娜·弗莱彻的采访时坦承,当王室职责妨碍自己抚养与威廉王子的三个孩子时,会觉得自己有错。

When asked by Fletcher if she ever has "mom guilt," Kate responded: "Yes, absolutely! I think anyone who doesn't as a mother is actually lying." 当弗莱彻问及她是否有过"身为人母的内疚感"时,凯特回答说:"是的,绝对有!我认为任何说没有的母亲都是在撒谎。"

The Duchess said: "[You're] always sort of questioning your own decisions and judgments and things like that, and I think that starts from the moment you have a baby." 凯特表示:"你总会质疑自己的决定、自己的判断,诸如此类的事情……我认为这始于你有了孩子的那一刻。"

The mother of three said one piece of advice that's been helpful to her is realizing it's "not totally" a mother's responsibility to do it all. 凯特说,有条建议对她个人很有帮助,就是意识到并非母亲有责任要做所有一切的事情。

"We all have good days, bad days," she said. "Actually if you can dilute that with others who aren't on that particular day struggling, I think it makes such a difference."她说,我们都有开心和不开心的时候,事实上如果你能和当下心有余力的人沟通,稀释这些情绪,我认为就会大有不同。

Passengers wearing face masks arrive at the Beijing Railway Station in Beijing on Jan 30, 2020. [Photo by Zou Hong/China Daily]

>Post-holiday trips down 82%


There will be no peak period during this year's 40-day Spring Festival travel rush, which will end on Tuesday, due to the ongoing novel coronavirus, the Ministry of Transport said. 在15日举行的一场国新办发布会上,交通运输部副部长刘小明表示,2020年春运将于18日结束,由于新冠病毒疫情持续,返程高峰不会出现。

Because of measures taken to curb the epidemic, passenger trips in the 40 days from Jan 10 to Tuesday are expected to be less than half the number in the 40-day travel rush last year, with the decrease especially sharp during the return leg that started on Jan 25, Vice-Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming told a news conference held by the State Council Information Office on Saturday. 刘小明说,由于国家为防控疫情而采取的措施,预计今年1月10日至2月18日,即春运40天期间,旅客客流将较去年春运减少一半以上,客流剧减的情况出现在1月25日起的春运后半程。

Ministry statistics show that only 283 million trips had been made between Jan 25 and Friday, down 82.3% year-on-year, as a result of travel restrictions and quarantine aimed at containing the spread of the virus.交通部数据显示,由于我国采取了旅行限制和隔离措施以控制病毒蔓延,从1月25日到2月14日,全国仅发送旅客2.83亿人次,较去年同期下降82.3%。

Medical workers in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province, Jan 24, 2020 [Photo/Xinhua]

>Rate of severe cases down


The rate of severely ill patients infected with the novel coronavirus has dropped significantly across the country, according to figures released by the National Health Commission. 国家卫健委发布的数据显示,全国新冠肺炎重症病例占确诊病例的比例明显下降。

In Wuhan, the provincial capital of Hubei, the proportion of patients in serious condition decreased to 21.6% on Saturday from a high of 32.4% on Jan 28, commission spokesman Mi Feng said on Sunday. 国家卫健委新闻发言人米锋16日介绍,湖北省会武汉市重症占确诊病例的比例由1月28日的高点32.4%下降至2月15日的21.6%。

In other parts of Hubei, the proportion of severe cases decreased to 11.1% on Saturday from the peak of 18.4% on Jan 27, and the percentage of severe cases across the rest of the country declined to 7.2% on Saturday, he said. 湖北其他地市重症占确诊病例的比例由1月27日的最高点18.4%下降至2月15日的11.1%。2月15日全国其他省份重症占确诊病例的比例已下降至7.2%。

This was made possible by strengthened medical assistance, as well as centralized isolation and treatment, Mi said. "A substantial foundation has been laid to further increase the recovery rate and reduce the fatality rate," he added.米锋还表示,重症病例比例下降与医疗支援力量的加强和集中隔离治疗有关,为进一步提高治愈率、降低病死率打下了坚实的基础。

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本文标题:【mtasa】每日新闻播报(February 18) - 长篇鬼故事


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