breakeven break even怎么用汉语来翻译较好 - 长篇鬼故事 - 鬼故事网(

长篇鬼故事 - breakeven break even怎么用汉语来翻译较好

2023-02-16 19:06:12 阅读 :

break even怎么用汉语来翻译较好

  英语break even有着多种用法,我们应该要知道它每一种用法的汉语翻译形式。下文是百分网小编为大家准备了英文短语break even的正确汉语翻译形式,希望能对大家有所帮助!

  break even的汉语翻译

  英 [breik ˈi:vən] 美 [brek ˈivən]

  break even 基本解释

  保本; 不盈不亏; 够本; 得失相当

  break even的`单语例句

  1. Experts say that using gravel instead of concrete to fill pier foundations will cause them to tilt or even break in the future.

  2. An AEON spokeswoman said the company expected to break even in a year or two, and start making profit in four years.

  3. Such fragile hearts have we that break so easily when even the slightest bitter taste of disappointment flickers across the tongue.

  4. Even the coordinated action may not break the panicky mindset that has gripped investors across the world as jobs evaporate and retirement savings dry up.

  5. Even from a utilitarian point of view, too frequent a commercial break can make ads ineffective.

  6. It will even present break dance, the trendy genre loved by the younger generation.

  7. The player who committed a foul stroke receives no points for that stroke even if a legitimate ball was potted and the break is over.

  8. Even the annoying annual lease renewal process can be viewed positively, as a natural break from routine.

  9. They may not even know what a sense of security means, but they break their backs to make ends meet.

  break even的双语例句

  1. In these industries, the average cost curve declines steadily with higher volume, and the profits made on sales beyond the break-even point are substantial.


  2. Break-even pointcan be represented with sales volume, it means the point where the total sales income is equal to the total cost, i. e.


  3. The break-even point is the sales level at which operating in come is zero: total revenues equal total expenses.


  4. It includes Break-even Analysis, Sales Forecasts, Balance Sheets and Cash Flow Statements broken down monthly for the first year and then annually for the next 2-5 years.


  5. B: Pretty bad, I only wish it could break even.


本文标题:breakeven break even怎么用汉语来翻译较好 - 长篇鬼故事

